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Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Epifany

When I woke this morning, I heard so clearly...You are a Teacher. Now I spend time with the Lord but when you hear like this, you listen. I got out of the bed, straightened my room and walked in the kitchen to make my coffee and start breakfast. It was as if my legs didn't work. I knew what that meant, I needed to find my laptop or a pen and paper and write. I love it! I now know the voice of the Lord. I'm not writing to talk about my relationship with GOD, I just wanted to mention this because its important to be obedient. I learned a long time ago that when HE wants to talk, I need to listen and take notes.

Any-who as I sit down, he starts with out me. Use this as a lesson for others. That has always been my goal so I knew there was more coming. Not to long ago, I had a life changing event. Now it may not seem as magnified as others but to me, it was more than just the fact of job loss. See, I had been through this same exact situation about 7 years ago. As I think back, its nearly the same time of year. I was working with a reputable company and was doing WELL and one day the rug was snatched from underneath me. I find it ironic that I'm thinking back to that time with the Presidential debates coming up this week. At that time, my job was outsourced to India with little to no warning or time to prepare. Needless to say, I lost everything. My car, my home, my "friends". I put that in quotes because I want to come back to that in a moment. Fast forward 7 years later, the same test is up again but this time, I had studied. I am prepared and I know how to ace this one.

It is now time for me to practice what I teach. There are so many people in my position right now. And there are even more people in a worst place than me. I feel like my job at this time is to teach others the lesson that  I've learned. I want to teach you how to prepare for financial peace. You might be asking, what can you teach me? I can teach you how to focus on your goals, to market your business online and offline and to change your mentality from being an employee to a business owner. The rest is up to you. If you choose the vehicle that I'm using, GREAT. If not, I can still help you as a consultant. When I first started in this industry, I had the great opportunity to have mentors who cared about me and my family. That's what I want to be for you. I know what its like to lose everything and to live off of nothing for a while until I could take direction and become coachable. A teacher is someone who can teach you how to do something and help you avoid mistakes that are costly and time consuming.

Remember that we don't know what the future holds but we can look around and watch the trends. I know that anyone without a small business or home based business is in a worse off position than those with them. If I hadn't had a plan B, I probably would have lost my home again. But this time I had a plan and now I am working that plan and helping others to do so in the process. I don't have to worry about bills that much because the company that I am working with is so concerned with my family that they are taking care of them for us and its a beautiful thing.

If this is you, if you are looking for more income, or want to prepare yourself for the future, click here to see what I am doing to build financial peace.  Be sure to put your contact info in the blanks so that I can contact you! See you on the inside.


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